Clarion Looks At The Benefits of Using ChatGPT in PR

ChatGPT is a name that everyone has heard of, but it seems only the more tech-savvy people have actually used it. Maybe it’s the fact that its definition is pretty mind-boggling in itself: ‘a natural language processing tool driven by artificial intelligence technology’... sorry, what?

But, what if we told you that ChatGPT is actually very similar to Google? Just as simple to use, and even easier to get an accurate response to literally *any* query in a human-style dialogue - would you be willing to give it a go? We’re guessing it’s probably a yes. It’s also free to use (for now), and can be accessed via a click of a button. With companies like Microsoft investing huge amounts into the software, it’s undoubtedly here to stay for the foreseeable, so it’s time to buckle in and embrace the wonderful world of AI. 

Here at Clarion, we’re big believers in technology being a force for good. Sure, the idea of having robots potentially taking jobs is scary, and we are not denying there is a threat of that in some industries. However, we’re here to shine a light on some of the positive ways in which we can use chatbots like ChatGPT to complement, rather than replace, our role as PRs…

1. Content Inspiration

Had a long week and suffering from writer’s block? We’ve all been there. Simply ask the bot a query like ‘What creative ideas do you have to launch xx product to xx audience?’ and it’ll scour the internet for some of the most popular ideas. Whilst the list won’t be perfect, and may not be 100% relevant to your campaign, it will likely help spark a brainwave.

2. Keyword Research

Whilst ChatGPT is probably hoping to overtake Google in popularity one day, they are not there yet - and likely won’t be for a long time either. Therefore we need to make sure that the press coverage we generate is optimised for search, and is going to help boost our clients’ websites up the rankings. To help write SEO-friendly press releases, ask ChatGPT to provide the top list of search terms around that specific topic, and then make sure these words are featured throughout - especially in the title.

3. Proofreading

The slip of a finger or a case of ‘digital eye strain’ after looking at a document for too long can mean even those with razor-sharp attention-to-detail can make mistakes. Simply copy and paste your press release or content calendar into ChatGPT and ask it to check the spelling and grammar for you. You can also ask it to make sure any quotes or stats you’ve included have been referenced by a reputable source.

Whilst the list of ChatGPT pros is practically endless, we should also mention some of the cons. Firstly, the AI had the bulk of its training back in 2021 so some information can be outdated - for example, we asked it to tell us current food and drink trends and they were Covid-19 related. However, it’s constantly learning so this should improve and be more up-to-date over time. Secondly, it is generally pretty accurate, however it can sometimes produce misinformation if the source it’s scouring isn’t legit - so always double check the response. 

Finally, it’s important to remember that it is a robot. It lacks any self or social awareness, it can’t form opinions and it won’t be able to engage a user as well as a human can. Whilst it does a good job at finding common patterns amongst a plethora of information and collating it into digestible chunks, it doesn’t have an imagination so is unable to come up with unique ideas. And honestly, we’re very thankful for that!