Chipotle and Strava Fuel London Runners for 2025

Londoners, get those laces tied! Chipotle has teamed up with leading exercise tracking app Strava to energise London’s running community with a pretty good incentive: free Chipotle meals.
We’ve been working closely with Strava’s PR team to create widespread buzz about the partnership across the UK – with coverage appearing in T3, London titles as well as Retail Times – to name but a few.
Until 31st January, runners can hit the pavement and compete for delicious rewards, courtesy of the ultimate partnership between fitness and flavour. As well as the opportunity to win Local Legend Status, the winner will get free Chipotle meals for a whole year!
As fans of their new line up of Lifestyle Bowls, we can vouch it’s a prize worth winning. So if you’re up for the challenge, sign up now here: