Wickes Great Kitchen Report
To launch Wickes Lifestyle kitchens and continue to promote Wickes Bespoke Kitchen ranges, Wickes Great Kitchen Report enabled us to position Wickes as the authority in today’s kitchens, and inspire consumers with new trends
The Wickes business has very rich insight into the nation’s kitchen habits, with over 700 design consultants advising multiple customers daily, and this detail formed the foundation of our report. We were able to combine this with sales and trend data from the Wickes commercial team for a real time lens into the current British Kitchen.
Consumer research helped us to understand the rationale and Design & Cultural Historian, Professor Deborah Sugg Ryan provided context and independent expert commentary, generating fascinating content for multiple press releases.
We informed media of pets accelerating the pace of change in the kitchen with requests for feeding stations built into islands and cat flaps in units, and Deborah termed the revival of the kitchen pantry as the ‘appliance garage’, to house today’s must-have item, the air fryer.
Sparking engaging conversation, Deborah discussed our Wickes Great Kitchen Report across the radio waves and the campaign culminated in 52 coverage pieces, including 19 national titles and 21 broadcast items.
We made Wickes kitchens the heart of the media conversation!