15th November 2023
Great British Face off: Aldi’s Open Letter to Channel 4 Goes Viral

This week, The Great British Bake Off featured caterpillar cakes in Party Week of the popular baking show. The technical challenge saw the quarter finalists take on the task of making a caterpillar cake.
Spotting a newsjacking opportunity for Cuthbert (Aldi’s most famous caterpillar), the team couldn’t resist responding to the episode with an open letter to Channel 4.
After making its appearance on Aldi’s social channels the team quickly packaged up the letter into a news story, making sure news desks were aware of the witty banter unfolding.
A few hours later, the story had gone viral (receiving tens of thousands of 'likes') as well as landing over 50 pieces of coverage, including Mail Online.
Slice of cake, anyone?