Clarion Provides Students With A Media Relations 101

As part of Clarion’s ongoing mission to attract more diverse talent into the PR industry, last week we welcomed students from the University of West London to our offices once more.

In addition to helping the students with their upcoming projects, giving them the chance to experience how we brainstorm a real brief, and kickstarting our shiny new Gen Z panel (more on that coming soon), the team gave the students a media relations 101.

Our clever team gave them insight into how journalists work and what they want from PRs. For example, did you know:

  • A lot of news desks don’t have a landline phone number anymore, so you have to be clever (and have personal relationships) if you want to reach them before morning conference
  • News UK have a specific AI tool which they use for data purposes, or to condense long stories into facts for boxouts, but they do not use it to write content
  • Video content is a priority for titles like The Sun – and the more original/exclusive the video is, the better the story performs
  • Most national titles have dedicated SEO writers who look at what’s trending online and on social – so a coordinated PR and social media strategy is more important than ever when it comes to landing coverage


We always find these sessions so rewarding and with all of the talent in the room, the future of media relations is looking bright…

If you want more insights into how media work, get in touch with us